API V4 – Load a Carrier Document

The /v4/carriers/load/carrier/document endpoint lets you retrieve a document file belonging to a carrier that you have onboarded into your network.

Notes on this endpoint:

  1. Potential for large responses. This endpoint can potentially return very large responses, depending on the size and quality of the document file you are retrieving.

HTTP Request

Method URL
GET https://api.brokercarrier.com/v4/carriers/load/carrier/document

Required Parameters

Name Type Value(s)
id_type string One of: dot, mc
id_number string The carrier's DOT number or MC number
doc string One of: tax_form, authority_cert, insurance_cert, factoring_noa, voided_check, agreement
disp string One of: download, view

Example Response

Request: https://api.brokercarrier.com/v4/carriers/load/carrier/document?id_type=dot&id_number=3817794&doc=agreement&disp=download

This endpoint will return a binary response containing the requested file. Depending on your specified content disposition, it will either open a download prompt or display the file in your browser window.

(No applicable code example. This endpoint returns a file.)