API V4 – Introduction

Your BrokerCarrier account comes with full access to our feature-rich API, which enables you to use your BrokerCarrier data from any TMS or integrated app. Whether you use a cloud-based TMS or have developed your own, our API can seamlessly integrate your real-time carrier network data into your primary workflow.

Where to Find Your API Keys

First, log in to your BrokerCarrier Dashboard as the account administrator.

In the top-right corner of the screen, you will see your first name with a small down arrow next to it. Click on your name to open the admin menu, and from that menu choose API Keys. Your public and secret API keys are available on this screen.


Calls to the BrokerCarrier API are authenticated by passing in your public API key via the X-Api-Key HTTP header.

The simplest API endpoint is https://api.brokercarrier.com/v4/test/key, which requires no additional parameters other than your public key being passed in via this header. The easiest way to test your API key is by sending a simple cURL request:

curl "https://api.brokercarrier.com/v4/test/key" \
 -H "x-api-key: [YOUR PUBLIC KEY]" 

If the response to this request is a success message with the current Unix timestamp, then your API key works and you are ready to start building your integration.

An example of a successful response is shown below:

    "success": 1712167311

Using and Protecting Your Secret Key

Your secret key is only used for one specific purpose within the BrokerCarrier API, which is to decrypt private information about carriers in your network.

BrokerCarrier transmits carrier payment information and other sensitive business information in an encrypted form, which you can then convert to plain text using your secret key. For this reason, your secret key must only be used in server-side API calls, and must never be exposed to the client side in JavaScript code or any other form.