API V4 – Load Notified Carriers

The /v4/loads/load/notified/carriers/ endpoint lets you retrieve the list of carriers that were notified about a BrokerCarrier load announcement.

HTTP Request

Method URL
GET https://api.brokercarrier.com/v4/loads/load/notified/carriers

Required Parameters

Name Type Value(s)
load_number string The unique generated load announcement number

Example Response

Request: https://api.brokercarrier.test/v4/loads/load/notified/carriers?load_number=566DA315-1709063661

The example below shows 5 carriers in the notified list for brevity purposes. Your real load announcements will notify 50, 100, or 200 carriers each. Also, the lane->polylines field will be significantly longer than the truncated string in this example.

    "carriers": [
            "business_name": "10 ROADS EXPRESS LLC",
            "phone": "8663489290",
            "email": "sales@10roadsexpress.com",
            "dot_number": "3345061",
            "mc_number": "1068369"
            "business_name": "4 D TRUCKING LLC",
            "phone": "4053678444",
            "email": "dispatch@3ddispatch.com",
            "dot_number": "2102250",
            "mc_number": "768354"
            "business_name": "624889 BC LTD",
            "phone": "4033453558",
            "email": "dispatch@evanstrucking.ca",
            "dot_number": "770847",
            "mc_number": "345953"
            "business_name": "AAGUILA TRANSPORT INC",
            "phone": "4073086528",
            "email": "aaguilatransport@gmail.com",
            "dot_number": "3647843",
            "mc_number": "1425969"
            "business_name": "ABK LOGISTICS CO",
            "phone": "5733567837",
            "email": "abklogisticsco@gmail.com",
            "dot_number": "3576186",
            "mc_number": "1206344"